Sunday, November 04, 2007

that nagging message

before i moved back to the US, i knew that God wanted me to spend more time in prayer.

well... since i am writing this, it means that i've not really done much of it.

so last week, i just searched online and found the vineyard church nearby. the pastor preached on james 5 (the last portion) on prayer. that night, there was also a prayer meeting at the church. since i am visiting churches and am not very sure where i'll end up with. i obviously didn't go back last sunday night. i think the thought to pray more slipped my mind as the week went by.

so this morning at Lake Avenue, guess what? the pastor preached on a sermon from romans 12:11-12. it's a message about christians keeping spiritual fervor but the last point was on prayer again.

so when i heard this morning's "reminder" again... i just knew that i need to do it.

sigh... pray that i'll be able to set aside time and set my heart to pray more...


Ms Krong said...

praying that you'll have the heart and time to pray more...

Singing Tigger said...

thanks. i think it's kinda working. :p but need more prayer...