Monday, July 25, 2005

thoughts after indo trip

can't get into my msn spaces... resort to write something here...

indo trip was good. refreshing. i got to think about stuff. ICC, NTU, life, future, ministry, EAST, friendships...

my fish died after i came back. last year when i went back to the US, my pretty blue fishy died. i half jokingly blamed the friend who took care of my "blue" that she killed it... hahaha... i was thinking today, it's time to change the kind of fish i keep.. maybe i tend to choose the pretty ones that die faster. maybe i should choose something that's not so pretty so it won't die so fast. this sounds quite illogical. just because a fish is pretty, doesn't mean it will die faster. just because a fish is ugly doesn't mean that it will live longer. so goes my fish logic... i'm so weird. %]

yesterday at ICC (church) i was elected as a deaconness for the next 2 years. (wow... 2 more years...) when people congratulate me, i didn't know how to react. should i be happy or be sad? being a deacon carries with it many responsbilities and heartaches. was thinking that i've been getting sick a lot more frequent in the past 2 years. either life is too stressful and/or i'm aging rather quickly. (hopefully nobody who's older is reading this and getting tickled about this.. old? i always tell younger kids.. "never say you are getting old in front of someone older than you...") back to the being deacon thing... definitely a lot more stress. i think i can get to heaven faster. (my dream for a while but never been able to succeed ever since 1996... good old Paul says it best in Phil 1, the latter part.)

it's 11:30 and i should be sleeping... last night i started to think about ICC ministry and other stuff.... my hair said hi to the pillow around 2:30. maybe i 'm becoming like mom more and more... worry more... sleep less.. getting sick more... doing more stuff, getting upset more easily... hmm... (luv ya mom!!! you are awesome!!!) haha...

this is the longest blog that i've written yet... kinda stream of consciousness stuff i write for my personal diaries...

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